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An Overture to the Commencement of a Very Random Journey. / 07.08.12

While sipping coffee in one of my favorite coffee shops in Saugatuck Michigan, it finally hit me- I’m leaving the country in 16 days! I will be homeless, jobless, penniless, and showerless for the next four months which is a state I have never experienced.

My brownie suddenly tastes so much richer, this wooden chair much more comfortable that it has ever been before as I realize this will probably be the last time I encounter such luxuries for quite awhile. This trip in general has changed my perspective a great deal it seems. I find myself appreciating everything from the weight of a fluffy blanket to the speed of a car in a more significant light since realizing that my legs will be my only backup plan for the rest of this year. In a world of convenience and speed I tend to forget the simple necessities for living, and for the first time I plan on experiencing the bare minimum. I will become a human sponge- detached from any particular society, simply living each day to soak it all in and truly encounter the world.

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