Archive for the ‘Outdoors’ Category

Epitome of a Sponge / 15.09.12

In my last post I believe I mentioned something about “being a human sponge” and I really had no idea how accurate that statement was. I have been a sponge in the past 18 days of this trip in every sense of the word. To start, I soaked up the adventure and hospitality in Worms with Claudia and her family. I enjoyed meals and laughter, new friendships and sun in the garden working on bikes. I was overwhelmed with the changes in setting and culture traveling from Michigan, to New York with family, to NYC, to Germany, then Paris, then back to Worms. I tried to remain open and absorb the ambiance and soul of each and every place and person I encountered. This was both exhilarating and exhausting- or so I thought…

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Being Outside – Earth Day 2012 / 22.04.12

At church this morning Kallie and I found ourselves in a discussion about hope and sight. A friend said something that ignited in me thoughts about Fueled By Rice: he said according to statistics we* spend between 60 and 90 percent of our time indoors. Indoors is a world of our own construction. We build houses, engineer buildings, plan the space conveniently for our needs and wants—plenty of bathrooms, plenty of counter space, plenty of electrical outlets… It is a world we can control. As Cat Stevens says, “You can switch on summer from a slot machine.

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