Author Archive

From Romans, France – Two more home-stays, first spontaneous home-stay of the trip! / 23.09.12

We are safe and sound in another gracious host’s home near Romans, France!  Thank you Miguel and family!

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From Geneve – The Miracle of the Kindness of Strangers and Global responsibility / 17.09.12

I am Peter, who joined Andrew on the first Fueledbyrice trip.  This is my first post on this blog and I will keep it simple for now.  I have been impressed with my team mates reflections from the last two weeks.

As we rest for the second time this trip, now in Geneve with a bicycle and urban planning enthusiast who has done work in Portland and Minneapolis among other world cities, Michael, I am again reminded of why traveling by bicycle is so rewarding and unique.  Not only is it the cheapest and healthiest way, but it allows, like no other means of travel that I have experienced, one to meet strangers and experience the miracle of their kindness.  But in order for this to happen, we must do something that many Americans and increasingly, the global middleclass and wealthy, are very uncomfortable with: make ourselves vulnerable by first admitting we could use help and then, in some cases, asking for help, and finally actually accepting help and hospitality.  Although this can be difficult at first, it is this process that allows for a rich interaction between people we meet, be it asking for water (Ute and Johannes), directions (many), or hospitality (Claudia, Jess and now, Michael).  THANK YOU so much for your generosity!

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