Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Halloween in Greece / 06.11.12

After a couple days in Igoumenitsa, we were primed and ready to enter Greece… and it happened to be Halloween.

We found a LiDL grocery store (one of our favorites–like ALDI) that accepted credit cards, so we decided to stock up on groceries and Kallie and I decided to buy $15 worth of candy for our very own FBR Halloween celebration. We did this on the sly, and then hid some among Peter and Lindsey’s gear for a surprise. They were thrilled when they found it, and we were surprised when we found out Lindsey had also purchased $15 worth of candy just because they accepted credit cards. We had also heard rumors that the sheep dogs in Greece were somewhat aggressive, so we each picked up a “dog stick” in case any got too close for comfort. Peter’s was an intimidating yet mostly harmless dried thistle stock…

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FBR Status Update / 02.11.12

As often happens on journeys we have needed to make some adjustments along the way to our travel plans due to unforeseen circumstances. What follows is a brief synopsis:

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Germany in a nutshell / 29.10.12

Scale: 1-10 (1= lowest, 10= highest)
Overall Cycle-ability 8
Traffic 9
Bike Paths 9
Signage 9
Road condition 8
Bike shops 9
Water 4
Toilets 3
Wild Camping 7
Friendliness/attitude towards bikers 7
Average Cost of Groceries 7
Language 9
Scenery 5

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Technology on the bike and digital workflow on the road / 13.10.12

My digital workflow has changed considerably on this bike trip. One reason for this change is because I’m traveling without a laptop (we do, however, have an iPad), and the second is because we are without electricity the majority of the time.

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My favorite things / 13.10.12


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Southern France / 07.10.12

Southern France, a set on Flickr.

Bikes and Cars / 07.10.12

It’s like cats and dogs. They can get along just fine, and many of us have both, but when they meet “out there,” there’s often trouble.

Just the other morning while I was journaling outside I heard a honk, and looked up. On the bridge in front of me I could see an early morning cyclist who was now stopped in the middle, and he was trying to communicate something to the driver behind him who had honked. Although I am not French, I thought his communication was quite clear. He was using some universal signs and gestures, and from where I was his muffled yells might as well have been English. I also noticed he was using another effective tactic–stopping in the middle of the lane to force impatient drivers to wait. He stood there staring down the driver for about 35 seconds, while a line of cars stopped behind him on the bridge. Then, when he had had enough, he got back on and kept biking.

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Wild Pigs / 06.10.12

Our first night of camping we met a man walking two dogs who said to watch out for wild pigs. We took his warning seriously, but with a grain of salt. We saw no pigs.

Several other people gave us similar warnings, and Claudia back at “base camp” (Worms, Germany) told us how she was once chased on a horse all the way back to town by a protective mother boar.

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About viewing our photos… / 30.09.12

Some of us are still experimenting with the best way to share photos with you.  Many photos appear under the Photos section of our website, however you are not able to write comments.  While viewing our photos directly on our website is a fast way to view them,  I also encourage you to access these photos through our group – where they are actually uploaded to – and there, you can write comments about the photos.  In, click on the photo to open it individually to see the full description, then you can arrow through the set while continually seeing the full description of each photo, with full screen option.  They are organized by date posted, not taken :

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France / 29.09.12

France, a set on Flickr.